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Truth Behind Black Roses

black rose

For centuries the colour black has been associated with death, decay and mystery; the black plague, the black underworld and the ‘black sheep of the family’. When we think of the rose, we imagine beauty, health and romance, a symbol of love and warmth. The Black rose is a mix of two opposites combining the mysterious with the beautiful.

Legend tells us that whoever receives a black rose will have a mystical and powerful experience. There are six types of black rose, the Black Baccara, Black Beauty, Black Magic, Black Ice, Black Velvet and Black Jade; all are such a deep red that they appear almost completely black.

The Black Baccara Rose

The Black Baccara rose with its velvet petals is the closest breeders have come to producing a naturally black rose. It is the darkest, most mysterious rose of them all. On its edges, the Baccara rose is almost black, but as the blossom unfurls, it reveals interior petals which are a rich burgundy red.

Black Baccara Roses were originally developed for the cut flower market, for they have an unusually long vase life as well as their unusual colouring. However, in 2004 the “Meidebenne” Black Baccara Hybrid Tea Rose was introduced for the garden and it has been discovered that it does not have a high resistance to disease. The Black Baccara Rose does not have a strong fragrance but adds a touch of mystery and intrigue to any garden that feeds it.

The Black Beauty Rose

The Black Beauty rose was introduced in 1973 from France. With large petals and long stems it is one of the Hybrid Tea varieties. They are similar to Black roses where they are having jet black in the bud stage, but will display a rich scarlet when they are wide open. The back of each petal is dark and velvety that feels soft and silky to the touch. This Black Beauty doesn’t have much fragrance; however the rose blooms all through summer and autumn. It is well worth pruning the Black Beauty rose, for when it blooms the colours are striking.

The Black Magic Rose

The Back Magic rose is the offspring of the ‘Guinee’ rose and has inherited its strong Damask perfume and rich red colour The black magic rose is a large flowered climber and they bloom for a significantly long time. These stunning flowers grow up to ten feet tall and fill the garden with a powerful burst of perfume. The Black Magic rose is strong, resistant to disease and extremely popular with rose enthusiasts around the globe.

The Black Ice Rose

The Black Ice is a cluster flowered Floribunda Rose and gets its name from the ‘Iceberg’ rose which is in the parentage. These wonderful roses have black buds that open up into beautiful scarlet blossoms that continue to grow throughout summer and autumn. They grow 2-3 feet in height.

The Black Velvet Rose

With its dark green leathery foliage, this large flowered Hybrid Tea is burgundy red with a black velvety look which is where its name originates. The roses grow one to a stem and grow up to six feet. The Black Velvet rose is known to be notoriously resistant to disease.

The Black Jade Rose

The Black Jade Rose has extremely strong stems that hold clusters of 5-10 blooms. Like most of its Black Rose cousins, the Black Jade rose is almost black as a bud, however when it opens up it reveals bright golden yellow stamens that contrast against the dark petals. The Black Jade rose is a repeat-flowering bush with glossy foliage and is extremely disease resistant. It grows up to three feet in height.

This post was supplied by Wesley Cude, Wesley is a keen gardener and writes for Midgard, Tree Surgeons in Surrey.

  47369 Aufrufe

Chase Away The Cold Weather With A Solar Hot Water System

Chase Away The Cold Weather With A Solar Hot Water System

For around 4.7 billion years the sun has warmed the Earth, this giant ball of gas and fire has given us light and energy, the sun even supply's us humans with vitamin D. Thanks to electricity and solar power you can now use the sun to heat your home and power all your electrical appliances. Solar power enables home owners to not only save money, many also make money by selling excess energy that they generate but don't use.

The simplest set-up is a hot water system

No weather is cold enough when you install a solar hot water system in your house. This system is very reliable and useful for every season especially during the winter months and cold weather spells. No matter how cold the weather gets, you will always have hot water within your reach. You can have access to hot water any time you need it when you have your own solar hot water system. If you install a system like this cold weather will not affect you as much.

Benefits of hot water

I expect you aware that bathing using cold water can be very difficult. If it's cold enough you may even develop hypothermia which could result in a more serious medical condition, even death. In this day and age many of us are lucky enough to have hot water in our homes. This means that unlike your ancestors you can avoid feeling cold, maybe even getting hypothermia when bathing.

Hot water is especially helpful for the elderly, children and young ones. As you know, the younger the age, the more sensitive to temperature. Children will struggle to tolerate cold water especially during winter and any other cold season. In fact, they may not be able to take a bath at all due to extreme coldness of the water. In order to provide warmth to your children, it is essential that you have some form of hot water system in your house. Many of us in the west will have access to hot or warm water 24 hours a day and 7 days a week anyway but solar can save us money.

How a basic solar hot water system works

However, in order to identify areas for improvement, it’s important to monitor your energy consumption. Energy usage meters can provide crucial data, to help you visualise energy spikes and establish the consumption of individual machines and appliances.Solar water systems require solar panels, also know as collectors these panels are fitted to your roof. As the name suggests the collectors collect heat from the sun and use it to heat up water which is then stored in a hot water cylinder. A boiler or immersion heater can still be used as a back-up or to heat the water further until it reaches the temperature you want. In the summer months a hot water system will probably be able to supply enough hot water for all your needs but in the winter a backup source may also be required.

With a solar water heating system children and the elderly will be able to enjoy their bath despite the cold weather and you won't need to worry about your energy bill, depending on your set up you may even be able to supply energy to the grid and get paid by your electricity supplier.

This post was supplied by Mark Stubbles, Mark writes for a UK site which connects home owners with solar energy installation companies.

  41160 Aufrufe

How Energy Monitoring Can Reduce Your Emissions And Expenditure

girl sit on the floor

In a time of economic slowdown across the globe, business of all sizes must work hard to protect their bottom line. Even in times of austerity, climate change remains an ever-present issue; reducing your carbon footprint can also help you to control business expenditure.

Whilst being the catalyst for saving energy and reducing costs on a wider scale, businesses often overlook energy monitoring and usage management. Instead, many companies simply cut budgets or attempt to save money in other areas. However, by raising awareness of your energy consumption, your business can make tangible savings, as well as moving towards a greener future.

Strategy & Management

Energy management is all about limiting the effect that your company has on the environment. To achieve the best results, a strategic long-term plan needs to be introduced, outlining responsibilities, investment, procurement and overall communications. This will help promote understanding throughout the company, and make it easier to track each person's role in actioning specific tasks.

Monitoring & Moving Forward

However, in order to identify areas for improvement, it’s important to monitor your energy consumption. Energy usage meters can provide crucial data, to help you visualise energy spikes and establish the consumption of individual machines and appliances.

Recording this data will allow you to pinpoint the heaviest users of energy, which, in turn, will enable you to implement specific changes to energy consumption. With specialist software, you will be able to examine data collected over a period of months, analyse it and develop a robust strategy to manage and reduce your carbon footprint.

What’s more, this information will help you educate staff as to where energy consumption can be controlled, with simple but effective changes such as turning lights and appliances off when not in use. Setting realistic targets can promote implementation, without impacting the performance and operations of your business.

The Future

Energy monitoring and management should be an ongoing process for your business, as a means to promote gradual and lasting change for a greener future. In time and with the right information, energy usage will be reduced for your company, together with its associated costs.

From simple, everyday necessities such as lighting and heating, right up to identifying and sourcing raw materials, energy monitoring is the first step in managing business energy use efficiently and effectively. I hpe you find this information useful.

This article has been written by Kelly G Grassam with useful information from GMI Energy. Kelly can be found on Twitter at @KellyGGrassam if you fancy a follow :D

  40067 Aufrufe

Flooring Options For Your Conservatory

Flooring Options For Your Conservatory

Once you’ve settled on a conservatory design, then it’s time to choose the floor surface. Whether you’re starting from scratch with a new build or sprucing up an older extension, there are various options open to you.

Natural wood

This looks classy but can be higher maintenance and more vulnerable than other surfaces such as tile or laminates. If there are temperature fluctuations, it may be best avoided as it can expand and contract with hot and cold extremes, although it does create a very high quality finish.

Engineered wood

This gives a real wood ‘look’ but is more durable and likely less expensive to lay. There can still be issues with expansion and contraction in hotter and colder conditions, and you may need to factor in the cost of a UV lacquer to help prevent sun bleaching.


This is a less popular option due to its vulnerability to foot traffic. If the conservatory serves as a gateway to the garden or patio, then frequent cleaning or removing stains may be result. It’s a ‘warm’ surface, so may be worth considering if outside access is less or non-existent and year-round use is desired.


This is very cost-effective and can be bought in various finishes to look like wood, tile or stone. Laminates can be very durable and low maintenance; for example, spillages can be wiped up easily.

Check the quality of the product, though; some cheaper laminates might not have as effective water repellent properties as some of slightly higher price.


The ‘Rolls Royce’ of flooring options for many, stone is usually the most expensive option but ticks many boxes in terms of water resistance, durability, low maintenance and - to top things off – it delivers an elegant and classy look. Limestone, marble, granite and slate are the four usual alternatives to choose from.

There can be an element of risk from slipping if water gets on it, and some darker varieties may be a bit warm for bare feet on hot days, while being noticeably colder in the winter. Overall they’re a good choice for longevity, and the ‘cold feel’ drawback can be offset by underfloor heating.


Tiles offer another classic and classy surface - and sometimes they are preferred to stone as they can possess a warmer look. They are usually available in the following tile types:

  • Terracota - thicker and retain heat well but more prone to scratching

  • Porcelain - hardest type so more durable

  • Quarry - robust and available in shades of brown, red and grey


This maybe a bit of a ‘wild card’ flooring option, but it makes for an unconventional and environmentally friendly choice; bamboo grows quickly, too, so stocks are soon replaced.

Be aware that bamboo tends to darken over time, but it’s certainly tough, may be worth considering if you’re looking for something different.

Consider carefully

Different floors fulfil different needs - and different budgets of course - so it’s worth taking the time to choose the right floor. In particular, try and think of the year-round implications of your chosen surface and whether your conservatory may be asked to fulfil double duty in warm and cooler conditions.

Mark Caulfield is the Founder of bespoke conservatory designers, The Caulfield Conservatory Co, who are based in Harrogate.

  106912 Aufrufe

Home Improvements For The Summer

girl sit down on the floor

Summer is one of the best times of year to do some much needed maintenance for your home. The great weather is the perfect time to do outdoor inspections, and with the everyday heat you’ll want to ensure your air conditioning is in great working condition too. Read on for the full list of repairs, improvements, and maintenance you should plan to complete during beach and barbecue season.

Take Advantage of the Weather

Summer is typically the best time of year to get in your much needed repair and maintenance, especially if you weren’t able to do your annual spring cleaning. Because you’ll be able to be outdoors, this is the best time to do outdoor maintenance and checks as needed.

Two of the most important things to focus on during the warmer months are your sprinkler or irrigation systems as well as any developing cracks or holes in the driveway. For your sprinkler system, it’s best to check as much of the line as you can for leaks while also ensuring the sprinkler heads are positioned evenly over any plants or lawn. This helps to keep water waste down while keeping everything else green. As for the driveway, if you live in an area with tough winters, small cracks can develop and spread over time as water freezes and melts. You can keep small cracks from getting worse next year by filling them in with an asphalt sealer or a concrete repair caulk.

Just because it’s nice being outside, don’t disregard the house inside though. Checking pipes is a good idea to do during warmer months in order to spot any leaks or damages. Winter can be tough on pipes in older homes, and it’s good to check pipes in newer homes as well. Additionally, people typically use more water in the summer than other seasons due to using the hose, watering plants, and filling up kiddie pools or even full size pools. Don’t flush money down the tubes with an existing leak during these high water usage months.

But Don’t be Disadvantaged by it Either

Summer can be the hottest and most humid time of year too however, which can be a drag if you aren’t prepared. By focusing on a few different areas, you can keep cool and keep your house in great shape too.

The first thing to consider is your air conditioning. Central air conditioning will require some different checks than individual air conditioning units. For central air systems, you’ll want to change the filter and clean the two separate components – the condenser and the evaporator. However, for any repairs that are a bit more complicated, it’s best to call a professional repairman. As for the air conditioning units placed in windows, you’ll want to also change the filter and trim any shrubs, bushes, or other plants that may be blocking units outside the windows they’re placed in. This will help the unit to circulate air better while keeping the unit working more efficiently and for longer.

Finally, do regular checks for mold and mildew growing both inside and outside because of high humidity. You can use a bleach solution or other store bought mildew killing sprays to prevent it from spreading. Additionally, keeping plants away from the house will help prevent any mold from growing on the surface of the house too.

Charlie Teschner started MESA Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling in 1982. Charlie has a journeyman and master plumber’s license. He was raised with a strong work ethic and he now applies those values to tasks such as Longmont, CO heating repair.

  40138 Aufrufe

Wood Flooring And Underfloor Heating: How To Compromise


There is a well-established myth in the world of interior design that wood flooring and underfloor heating simply aren’t compatible. This isn’t difficult to believe. Wood as we all know is a fairly temperamental material – contracting and expanding in different climates.

However, when it comes to flooring, there are ways around this. And it simply isn’t true that you can only have one of wooden floorboards or underfloor heating and not the other. Below is a guide on how to compromise to enjoy the best of both worlds.

The myth

Natural wood gives a great, traditional, rustic look to your house. So it would be a shame to sacrifice this to accommodate for your underfloor heating. According to the myth associated with the flooring, the natural wood will expand in hot weather and then contract in cold weather.

Therefore, underfloor heating will make the wood expand, which could lead to the floor rising, only to contract again and leave large gaps between the planks. Thus your only choice would be to buy engineered floorboards instead.

However, whilst this is true about wooden flooring and wood as a material to an extent, there are ways around this. You just need to do plenty of research.


There are several things to be aware of before you purchase wooden flooring that will be compatible with underfloor heating. A good guide to this is included here, which lists several key things to look out for. Firstly, be aware of the manufacturer’s quality control process. The floors you need will have to have consistently low moisture content to counteract the heating. They should also be pre-finished.

Many companies will have invested in and boast about their research into using underfloor heating with their floors. One of these companies would be the ideal choice, and they can be recommended by the Underfloor Heating Manufacturer’s Association should you need some assistance. You want to find a company with experience, technical expertise and, if possible, a guarantee which protects you alongside your use of underfloor heating.

Different types of wooden flooring

Timber is, in most cases, compatible with underfloor heating. However, as above, the timber should have been recommended for use with this. Furthermore, the flooring should have a top temperature of around 27°C, and an expansion gap around the edges to allow room to maneuver in.

Similarly, with vinyl or laminates, you should ensure that the flooring is definitely compatible with underfloor heating by contacting the manufacturer. Many of these suppliers will have already developed their own underfloor heating systems, or will have ones they can recommend.

There are still many options available to you should you want to enjoy both wooden flooring and underfloor heating. It’s simply a matter of properly investigating before you jump into it, otherwise you could encounter problems further down the line. But there is always expert advice out there, and you shouldn’t be afraid of asking as many questions as necessary to the advisers. After all, you want to enjoy these floors for a long time. And if you follow this guide, hopefully you will.

Stephen MacVicar runs Green Apple Flooring, a specialist in wooden floors and laminates. Green Apple Flooring is based on Essex and deliver all over the UK.

  39467 Aufrufe

Designing Your Home Properly

project house

Different people lead their lives in different ways, but most of them will agree around some basic things about home design...

And all believe that home design is a must. Of course, the degree of refinement, interests and success vary from individual to individual.

Some people feel comfortable in their mess, so they wonder what the need for order is. We have reasons why it is necessary to design your interior with a sense and keep your home neat.

Make your home neat and comfortable

If everything in your home is OK, if it is neatly organized and designed so you can move around freely, then life becomes easier. If your home is neat when you come home from work you won't spend your time clearing things and trying to find your home. Organize your home for a more peaceful living and a more relaxed feeling every time you look at it.

A properly designed home is healthier

Using the colors you like in your home will definitely lift your mood. One of the basics of home design is using the right colors and shades. You need to create visual harmony. Soothing colors and light shades will lift your mood and instantly make you feel better.

Use the colors you like

When you design your home in the right way, you will instantly feel better. Maybe you had a tough day at work, you come home, and everything seems better. It's because of your home, the way you designed it. The colors can either lift your mood or bring it down. The light too. More light means a better mood. Open your light filtering blinds and let the light come in, you will instantly feel better.

Your home tells a story about you

It is common practice to have people at your house, friends, family. A well designed home won't just help you improve your image, it also makes the visitors feel comfortable in your home, which can have a positive effect, on your personal and professional life.

A well designed home makes movement easier

Unlike a randomly organized interior, a well designed and planned home will make movement easier. Next to that, it will give more energy to you and your family, especially if you remove the extra walls, so the space looks bigger and lighter. It is not easy living in a bunker, it affects your mood too.

A properly designed home satisfies your needs

When you design your home the way it should be designed, when you fit it with your needs and the needs of the people who are living in it, you will feel better. For example, a home that is designed for newlyweds will be private and romantic, smooth and sophisticated, unlike a home for a small family. The home design needs to be bent to the wishes and desires of the occupants, it makes their lives easier.

So think well about the design of your home and the organization of your home, give it a right purpose and the ambiance that will fit you.

Milan Budimkic is a creative freelance writer for industries that include but are not limited to the home decor, travel, entertainment, and much more. When not blogging, Milan likes to travel and read a lot.

  39504 Aufrufe

Heating System Failed? Who's Fault Is It?

woman keeps baner

One of the least understood parts of a home from an owner's perspective is the heating system. This is largely because if you have central heating, you will likely have specialized people to ensure that it is regularly maintained. Like an automobile, any warranty is normally contingent upon the owner showing records of that maintenance. Maintaining it yourself without qualifications merely raises the bar from the manufacturer's or installer's representatives point of view.

Fortunately, if it does fail and you have good records, you can rely upon them in conjunction with the people that are providing you an estimate on repair or replacement in order to try and find the root cause of the problem.

Here are some tips on determining what went wrong so that you can ensure that the system is covered if it qualifies for coverage

If you have a homeowner's warranty that covers heating systems

Ensure that your record of maintenance meets the minimum requirements with regards to the policy that you have. If it does, contact the warranty customer service people and file a claim.

If you have a manufacturer's or installer's warranty

Follow much the same procedure and then find an experienced professional heating repair firm that will write you an estimate that includes their opinion of why the heating system failed. If it is covered by the warranty, then use the warranty to file a claim.

If you do not have a warranty

In this type of circumstance, if you do not have a background in heating design, it could be difficult to do to much troubleshooting on your own. Instead, it might be better to contact an experienced professional heating repair firm as mentioned above and get their opinion on why the system failed. If it is a major problem and the system needs to be replaced, then you might consider taking their findings to an outside expert to have them provide you with a paid second opinion. Most outside heating experts serve as expert witnesses in court and when they are working for their client, they are impartial and do not serve the interests of the manufacturer or the installer.

Regardless of the outcome, in that circumstance, you will likely learn more about heating systems than you probably ever had as a result of your conversations with them. If a manufacturer part was deemed to be potentially faulty, you can check to see if it has ever been recalled and if repairs were made to it online. If the expert points out ducting or assembly that was done incorrectly as the reason for your system failure, you can document it so that you can approach a representative of the installer.

Keep in mind that oftentimes, the results of any check into why the heating system failed will turn up a couple of percentages: one that points out the major reason it failed and another that highlights wear and tear or other minor reasons that impacted the system over time. These percentages can be helpful when it comes to deciding how to proceed.

Another frequent occurrence is that the system does not need to be replaced, but a part does. In this circumstance, if the qualified repair firm has provided you with that estimate, you can follow through with either the manufacturer or the installer while utilizing the repair person to make the necessary repairs.

Overall, it is never a good day when your heating system fails. By using repair experts in your community to help you determine why it did fail, you will likely save time and money.

Charlie Teschner started MESA Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling in 1982. Charlie has a journeyman and master plumber’s license. He was raised with a strong work ethic and he now applies those values to tasks such as Longmont, CO heating repair.

  38822 Aufrufe

How To Save Money On Your Energy Bill

small pink ping with money

Are you spending too much on gas and electricity? If you’ve never changed energy companies orhaven’t switched in the last two years, you could be £200 richer if you switch today.

According to a report from the Competition and Markets Authority (published 18 February), 95% of customers who receive their energy from the Big Six suppliers (British Gas, Npower, EDF, E.ON, Scottish Power and SSE) could save over £200 a year for a low-medium usage household, or over £400 a year for a high usage household. However, relatively few people bother to switch to a better deal.

Figures from the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) indicate that 13.5 million UK households have never switched energy supplier despite the savings on offer. The CMA meanwhile reports that 40% of British Gas domestic gas customers have been with the company for over 10 years, despite it being one of the most expensive. Overall, 40-50% of all electricity customers are still with their original supplier.

Use your Power to Switch

DECC has released a new campaign called Power to Switch, which aims to raise awareness of the benefits of switching energy companies, highlighting that millions of homeowners are paying £200 too much for their gas and electricity each year by not switching energy companies.

Power to Switch affirms the reasons why now is the time to switch, with the government having made several changes that make the energy market more accessible and easier to understand. Find out more at

Switch and save

If you’ve never switched energy companies or haven’t changed your tariff for a few years, you will almost certainly save money by switching today. Check your current supplier’s website (or give them a call) to see whether it’s worth switching to another one of their tariffs.

If you want to switch energy suppliers without using a price comparison website, it’s a good idea to choose one of the smaller, independent suppliers. Don’t be put off if you haven’t heard of them – they’re usually cheaper and their service is just as good. In reality, you’ll rarely need to contact them if you set up Direct Debit payments and submit regular meter readings anyway.

Switching energy companies is now faster

Independent energy company First Utility’s successful Fix the Switch campaign helped make switching gas and electricity supplier faster than ever before. In November 2014, the time it takes to switch supplier was slashed from five weeks to two and a half weeks (including a two week cooling off period and three days for the switch). The next goal is 24-hour switching, an ambition which has been backed by industry regulator Ofgem.

Faster switching means getting a better deal on your gas and electricity easier, so find out more about how to switch energy companies or call the Energy Saving Advice Service on 0300 123 1234 for personal advice.

Colin Urquart is a political commentator and energy blogger. He works with various agencies to support change in the energy sector.

  41660 Aufrufe

How To Design My Window Seat For The Dining Room

How To Design My Window Seat For The Dining Room

Window seats can be a great addition to the dining room by adding not only additional seating but also a comfortable place to enjoy a good view or a form of additional storage. A common additional to virtually any kind of decor, window seat is a universally appealing way to add charm and a welcoming atmosphere to your dining room.

This charming modern dining room features a subdued color palette with soft warm and cool shades balanced expertly by large windows and white walls. The long bench features drawers that provide additional storage in a room that traditionally cannot get enough and the upholstery and cushions add softness to a room that would otherwise feel Spartan.

This cozy kitchen intended to evoke the comfort of the French countryside features lots of rich, natural wood and rustic fixtures. With traditionally shaped furniture and a bold cast iron chandelier, this old world kitchen is well complemented by the lovely window seat bench that offers great views and fresh air. The window seat bench here can also improve the value of the house, especially for houses with traditional interior designs.

This fantastic dining room demonstrates that it is good to get creative with your interior design. By framing the fireplace with identical window seats, this designer has ensured that the white fireplace surround pops out from the blue wall and grabs the attention. The charming benches offer additional storage while providing an excellent balance to the intensity of the blue walls and rich wood floor. The additional storage provided by these window seats will be very useful for utilizing maximum space of a houses with smaller area.

Beach House

Making the most of the fantastic view from this stunning dining room, this long window bench wraps around the room to add a soft, coziness to a space dominated by clean lines and lots of natural light. The charming wicker chairs and natural wood table help to evoke an inviting and casual atmosphere. The simple style of the window seat helps to maintain focus on the real highlight of the room – all those beautiful, big windows that offer a 360° view of the surrounding countryside.

Roof Top Penthouse

This eat in kitchen not only includes a full sized table with convenient tuck under stools but also a wall of window seats perfect for keeping guests nearby but out of the cook’s way during dinner parties. The spectacular view will pull them to the window and the comfortable seating and proximity to the action will keep them there.

Traditional Comfort

This traditional dining nook makes great use of space in a small room and provides a surprising amount of seating space with the simple combination of a curved window seat set into a bay window and a small round table. Charming, inviting, and picturesque, this dining room demonstrates the difference between small and cozy.

Window seats are not just for providing seating space, but it can also provide additional storage, improve aesthetics of the house and it can also improve the value of the house. The comfort and exterior view provided by window seats makes it a great addition for any house and recommended by many interior designers to install, especially after a new window installation or window replacement.

Gina Brewton has been in the home improvement industry for the past 7 years. She is presently working at a residential cleaning company in Toronto. She is also a part time interior designer. She has her interests in cooking, photography, craft and painting. Follow her on twitter@ginabrewton.

  43118 Aufrufe

Top Reasons For Getting Your Carpet Completely Replaced

 brown shoes

Our homes are hosts to so many events throughout every season that sometimes keeping it clean can simply be unreasonable. Carpets are typically the first to go as your guests move about your home. Over time, carpets show signs of aging that no home owner wants to see. These problems range from simple visual unpleasantness to mildew and mold that can harm the health of the occupants. Getting your carpet replaced isn’t difficult but it is an investment, and one that can increase your home's property value substantially. Let’s go over some of the top reasons why you might want to commit to such an investment.


Carpet stains are a part of life -- they will eventually occur no matter how hard you try to prevent them. Even cleaning these stains can be pointless as some get too absorbed into the carpet for household cleaners to work. The outward appearance might not be your biggest problem either as many of these stains end up causing mildew and mold to form underneath the carpet. I think we have all rented a carpet cleaning product only to be disappointed by the results we achieve.


Throughout the course of your carpet's life, it will be introduced to so many unpleasant smells you wouldn’t want to list them all. One of the biggest offenders would be pet stains as they can cause a horrid stench for seemingly endless periods of time. Pets are not the only source of problematic smells, misbehaving children and sick guests can be problems on their own. If you can smell your carpet, it’s probably time to get it replaced.

Ruined Padding

Underneath our carpet lies a padding that gives our carpets a little bit of cushion and comfort. The constant traffic we put our homes through will eventually cause that padding to wear down and lose quality. As the padding degrades, it can begin to become uneven, wrinkle, and even make crinkling noises when in use. That padding can also end up absorbing stains that you will either smell or see later.

Animal Hair

Pet owners understand that over time, animal hair and dander seemingly can merge with the carpet. When this happens, vacuums become meaningless and guests with allergies suffer. Replacing that carpet will reduce allergens and allow your guests to breathe easier.

General Wear and Tear

Kids, animals, furniture, and painting all share one thing in common they can ruin your carpet. Animals claw at the carpet, resulting in strands of carpet littering the floor and clogging your vacuum. Moving in new furniture, especially metal furniture, can sometimes snag on the carpet and end up tearing it. All of these issues add up and end up ruining the carpet you once cherished.

With the many hectic situations we encounter in life, maintaining a clean carpet can be troublesome. Thankfully getting your carpet replaced isn’t as difficult as many would believe. Installation often takes only a day or two, and the costs can vary from $2 to $40 per square foot depending on the quality that you select. These prices allow almost anyone to afford a replacement carpet and increase the retail value of their property. Getting your carpet replaced can improve your quality of life as well, since you will be eliminating mildew, mold, pet dander, and pet hair. Maintaining it with a professional cleaning service like Progreen Carpet can extend its life and improve the comfort of you and your guests. Nothing quite beats the feeling of breathing easy in your new home without a single stain anywhere in sight.

Eduardo Dieguez is a freelance writer and film buff, frequently contributing articles on various topics of off-beat media and creature comforts.

  40539 Aufrufe

Why A Hail Storm Might Be The Best Thing That Happened To Your Old Roof

hail storm

Hail storms are some of the most dangerous and harmful weather patterns for your roof. They can wreak havoc on your roof's structure, the top layers, as well as on the various accessories, such as gutters, chimney flashings or vents. What's more, sometimes hail storms usually come together with powerful gusts of wind and harsh rains that can add up to the overall damage, making your roof completely unusable.

On the other hand, hail storms will not damage the roof right away. Instead, they constantly pound the top layers, causing dents, divots and tears in the roofing material. These damages can evolve over time, creating ample holes in the roof with dire consequences for the whole building. To avoid these awful situations, a carefully scheduled roof inspection plan must be devised, together with your professional roofing company.

How can a hail storm be a good thing for your roof?

Especially for an old roof, surviving a vicious hail storm will come with multiple damages, so special care must be given to the inspection process. Additionally, the calm after the storm is the best period to assess damages, evaluate repair costs and establish a schedule for reconstruction. While many homeowners see the aftermath of a hail storm as a disastrous moment and a financial nightmare, some owners consider it a great opportunity for a new beginning. In essence, a hail storm can be the perfect time for a complete overhaul of your old roof and a possible redesign of the whole structure. You will be able to decide, together with a roofing specialist, the most appropriate roof materials, technical solutions and various accessories that will protect your home from a future storm.

What are your alternatives when building a new roof?

Some of the most common questions coming from homeowners after a hail storm are “How can I avoid future hail storm damages to my roof?” and “What should I do?”. Obviously, these questions come as no surprise, considering the amount of destruction a hail storm can bring even to a good roofing system.

Most roofing systems in the United States are made of fiberglass and asphalt composites that are very sensitive to hail and harsh rain. When replacing a roof, it is a good idea to avoid this roofing material if possible. Although it is one of the cheapest options available, it has a short lifespan and requires much maintenance work.

When it comes to materials, your best bet is metal roofing. Available in multiple varieties, from metal shingles and sheets, to multi-layered panels that also include thermal insulation, metal roofing systems are modern, elegant, easy to install and have a long lifespan.

One of the major advantages of metal roofs, especially when compared to ceramic tile or fiberglass shingle roofs, is the fact that they seldom suffer functional damage during a hail storm. They do suffer occasional dents and other cosmetic damage, but thanks to the elasticity of the metal, perforations or tears are very rare. On the other hand, ceramic tiles may crack or shatter during vicious hail storms. The only areas of a metal roofing system prone to hail damage are near the seams, around the ridge and at the hip caps, where improper installing may cause problems.

Metal shingles, metal sheets, and metal multi-layered panels are ideal roofing solutions for any building, from single family homes and small commercial buildings, to churches, warehouses and exhibition centers or sports arenas. They can be fashioned in any shape and are available in a huge range of colors and hues. Also, metal roofing systems can blend with almost any style of architecture and can be installed in every location across the country.

The writer of this article, Flaviu Mircea, is a home improvement buff who does everything he can to keep his home absolutely perfect. The roof, however, is too much for one man to handle. As such, he highly recommends the services of ReRoof USA. You can learn more about Flaviu from Google+.

  46369 Aufrufe

How To Stay Cool In The Summer

man keeps baner

During the summer, there is an increase in repairs as air conditioners work overtime in an attempt to stay cool. Central air conditioners contain two separate components -- the condenser and the evaporator. You can usually find the condenser on the outside of your house sitting atop a concrete block. The evaporator is a coil that is mounted above the furnace in your main air conditioning unit. If either of these components is not working correctly, you'll need to call a professional for repair. However, there are still several things you can do to diagnose and repair your unit if it's not operating correctly.

Cleaning the Unit

Making sure the unit is clean can help you save money and keep your conditioner running well into the summer. Before you do any work, make sure you cut the power to the unit. If your unit has an exposed plenum, you can clean it yourself. Otherwise, if it's inside of a sealed sheet metal box, don't go anywhere near it. Start by removing the foil insulation at the front of the plenum. You may need to remove the tape holding it in place. Don't destroy the tape, because you'll need to replace it. Use a stiff brush to clean the evaporator, and then clean the tray below the unit. This tray carries condensation away from the evaporator. You can also pour 1/2 tablespoon of bleach into the weep hole to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold.

Check the area around your condenser. If there are any weeds, grass or vines, cut them away so they don't obstruct airflow. Use a commercial coil cleaner to clean out the condenser. Follow the instructions on the cleaner to flush out the coil, but do not use a hose. Let the coil dry naturally. The fins on the condenser can be cleaned with a soft brush, but you'll need to remove the grille to access the fins. Be very careful, since these fins are made of aluminum and can be damaged easily. Finally, make sure the unit is level. Make adjustments to the unit until it is level to help keep it running optimally.

Avoid a Freeze Up

Air conditioners freeze up when the pipes are working overtime and become frozen. It sounds obvious, but there are certain precautions you can take to prevent this from happening. Before it gets hot, have your AC check for the proper levels of refrigerant. Low levels can cause your unit to freeze. While you're at it, have a professional check for any leaks.

Make sure the air filters in your home are changed regularly. Dirty air filters restrict air flow can can cause humidity to collect and pool around the coils. Undersized ducts are another problem. This is why you need the right size unit for your home. Getting a unit that is too large may seem like a good idea, but if it's too powerful, it can cause problems.

Don't run the air conditioner on days when the temperature drops below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This can cause your unit to freeze up. If you want to keep the filtration going in your home, then use the fan option on your units. This will also reduce the level of humidity in your house, which in many cases is all you need to feel cool.

Charlie Teschner started MESA Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling in 1982. Charlie has a journeyman and master plumber’s license. He was raised with a strong work ethic and he now applies those values to tasks such as Longmont, CO heating repair.

  39554 Aufrufe

How Does Outdoor Air Affect Your AC Unit?

AC Unit

One unfortunate aspect of life is that most of us have to contend with drastic changes in the external air. Temperatures sometimes get quite high and during the cold months temperatures plummet, with high humidity making the environment feel warmer or cooler than the thermometer claims. To help alleviate the problem, almost every commercial and residential building owns an AC unit. Air conditioning systems work efficiently to maintain the air within the room at comfortable levels.

What you may not know however is that heating ventilation and air conditioning systems use the fresh air from outside for providing your desired quality of air inside. This begs the question of how changes in outdoor air affect the functioning of the AC units. Here are some of the ways your AC unit is being impacted by outside conditions.

Outside Temperature

The AC unit is made of coils that pick up heat from the outside air, but have nowhere to get rid of it. Therefore, the temperature of the system increases gradually. A heat exchanger is, therefore, required to get rid of the extra heat. A high-temperature difference between the outside air and the refrigerant will affect the amount of heat transferred with the unit and the rate at which it is transferred. Even perfect systems decrease in efficiency with outside temperature rising about 2 degrees. This drop in efficiency is quite dramatic in the real world. You will notice that your air conditioner seems to be working harder as the outside temperature increases.

Poor Air Quality and Pollution

Many factors affect the quality of air we breathe. Pollen, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide are just but a few pollutants that affect us today. With all technological advancements today meant for improving the quality of our lives, it is unfortunate that air quality is not given due attention.

Diminished air quality is bad for everyone, but it can be particularly bad for the AC equipment. Particles of polluted air such as smoke and dust accumulate in the AC unit and these particles will hinder the operation of the AC unit. After some time, the efficiency of the unit is reduced. This is why it is always important to keep on top of making sure that the AC equipment is cleaned and maintained on a regular basis. Regular cleaning removes any such dust and particles that could collect with time.

Humidity in the External Air

Since one of the primary functions of the AC unit is to remove excess moisture from the air, the process can be made much more difficult when the external humidity is high. The efficiency of the AC unit is thus affected when we approach the warm weather months. A high amount of moisture in the air can also carry a larger amount of dust that settles in the unit’s fins and coils. When the humidity is high, the AC systems have to use more energy and work harder to keep the home cool. If you have an older and inefficient system, it may not be able to handle the job quite well. It may be time to consider an upgrade to a more modern solution.

Heat, humidity and air pollution can affect the AC unit. Long and irregular run times of the unit can also affect it significantly. Since your AC unit represents a significant investment, you will want to make sure that you protect it by scheduling appointments with certified technicians that can be found at on a regular basis for cleaning, maintenance and inspection. You can also clean the unit yourself using a coil cleaner so as the system can be efficient in its operation. Removing debris and dirt allows the system to work more efficiently and will lead to lower utility bills.

The writer, Edrick Hypolite, is an Orlando resident who always strives to keep his home comfortable and keeps track of everything that could compromise that. If you wish to learn more about Edrick you can visit on Google+.

  45735 Aufrufe

5 Affordable Ways To Add Value To Your Home

cup of coffee

When you start thinking about selling your house, your thoughts will inevitably turn to the value of your home. Property value can be highly subjective, and dependant on the area you live in, the state of the property market, and of course the condition of your house itself. But if you want to give your home a few inexpensive fixes before inviting an estate agent round for a valuation, here are 5 affordable ways to increase the value of your house.

1. Revamp Key Rooms

If you are hoping to sell in the near future, you understandably don’t want to spend thousands of pounds on a new kitchen or bathroom. However as two of the most important rooms of the house, a few slight tweaks such as upgraded appliances and DIY improvements can freshen up the rooms for the viewings.

2. Make Space

Clutter can really impact the value of a property, visually reducing the amount of space available and making rooms look much smaller than they actually are. After years spent in your home, you’ll no doubt have at least one room that is full of ‘stuff’, so try to tackle this before you get it on the market, to improve your asking price and make visitors see the bigger picture.

3. Light and Airy

Even the largest and most impressive rooms of the house can look dark and enclosed if the lighting isn’t right. So expose those windows and let the light flood in, or where natural light is lacking a few lamps or high wattage bulbs can make all the difference. If the walls are looking a bit dull or dirty, a quick layer of neutral paint will brighten them back up.

4. Spruce Up the Exterior

The one photo that is guaranteed to be in the estate agent window, don’t be let down by the exterior when trying to sell your property. In the run up to putting your property on the market, focus on improving the kerb appeal of your house. Tidy up the garden and brighten it up with some flowers, clear the gutters, and give the windows and doors a lick of paint to have it looking top notch for visitors.

5. Depersonalise

Colourful walls and décor might be just right for you and your family, but don’t assume that everyone will be on the same page. First impressions count, so making your property as neutral as possible will help attract potential buyers.

You don’t need to spend a lot to make big improvements to the value of your house. And a key point to remember is that value isn’t just about the price of a property – it’s being able to sell it at that price too. So spend some time sprucing up the interior and exterior of your home before you take the next step to sell, and have a much better reception from the market when you do make the move.

This article is written by Kelly Gilmour-Grassam, a freelance copywriter from Yorkshire. You can follow her on @KellyGGrassam. This article is written with helpful information from ADM Residential.

  41990 Aufrufe

Glass Fireplaces

glass fireplaces

There is nothing more romantic than sitting next to a fireplace on a colder winter day...

A fireplace can most often be found in a living room and is a favorite place for the gathering of family members during the winter. Warmth, comfort and a positive atmosphere will surely keep you there during cold winter nights.

Styles and designs

Fireplaces come in many styles and designs, and are generally made from concrete or brick. From recently, in many homes fireplaces made out of glass are being used. People no longer have to think about the safety of the, because they don't have to wait for the wood to burn before they go to bed. It's a known fact that a fireplace without supervision can be dangerous. A fireplace is not an automatic device that has a timer for turning off and on. So it is best to use a fireplace that's made out of glass.

Modern technology gives us the chance to see the fire from every angle of the room, that burns on the right place in the right time. A perfect scene. The diversity of glass fireplaces will bring a feel of comfort, in your living room, your hallways or your office. The magic of this important piece of furniture can be designed in many different shapes and colors, depending on what your interior already looks like.

If you enjoy in romantic moments and you need a spiritual consolation in a pure atmosphere during the cold winter days – it's the right choice for you.

But, before buying a glass fireplace there's something you should consider. The price of the fireplace compared to your budget. Some of the manufacturers offer a life time warrantee, and some offer a limited one. The price varies depending on the material. Aluminum is the most accessible material you can find.

Harmony in the interior

Also, think about the harmony in your interior. There are many types of fireplaces, rustic, elegant, modern or traditional. Pick the one that will be fitting to your interior. Glass fireplaces look really beautiful. But they should also look beautiful when matched with your interior.

Another thing you should consider when thinking about buying a glass fireplace is lighting. It's really important. You don't want to overlook it. Think about this. If you have really big windows, that means you will get a lot of light during certain parts of the day. Well, maybe the window is facing a side which will not get a lot of light, but it will get some for sure. So, since it's a lot of glass in your fireplace, too much light will create a lot of glare. And that, if you didn't know, can be a really bad thing. Firstly, it bothers the eyes. You'll get blinded in certain areas of the room. You certainly don't want to avoid specific places in your room because you don't want to lose your sight. If this is the case, consider using some light blocking tools like curtains or blinds.

Milan Budimkic is a creative freelance writer for industries that include but are not limited to the travel, sport, entertainment, internet marketing, and much more. When not blogging, Milan likes to travel and read a lot.

  45495 Aufrufe

4 Signs Your Stonework Needs Renovating

Woman keeps baner

Stonework rarely needs repointing and renovating, and properties can go decades without needing any major maintenance to the exterior walls if they have been skilfully constructed. However, it’s inevitably that eventually the constant barrage of sun, wind, rain and frost can damage your stonework. And if you spot signs of disrepair, it’s important not to ignore them, or you could face more serious problems later on. If you notice any of these signs, you should consider ringing a stone specialist as soon as possible to diagnose the issue and find a remedy.

1. Cracked Walls and Foundations

It’s understandable that most people panic if a crack appears in the wall of the house, but not all of these faults are so sinister. Especially for new builds, this can occur naturally over the first few years as the property settles into its foundations. However a second opinion is wise, as large cracks and particularly ones caused by swelling, shrinking or subsistence can have serious implications.

2. Damp Walls

Natural stone is porous, but problems of damp shouldn’t occur if stonework has been professional installed and sealed. If walls are damp, there could be a variety of causes for this. Failing to properly seal walls leaves the walls open to absorb moisture, which can become trapped between the pointing. However pointing itself can also cause these issues, as hard cement prevents the natural release of moisture, instead leaving it vulnerable to decay. Other causes of damp include drainpipes running onto walls and flooding.

3. Crumbling stone

The issue of trapped moisture where stonework is unable to breathe can cause more serious problems to the overall condition of your walls, such as crumbling. If your window surrounds or stonework are in such as poor state that it is crumbling, it is far better to get a stone mason specialist to completely repair the damaged area than to patch it up. Simply trying to treat the symptoms of the problem rather than the root cause itself is unwise; you will probably only delay and even increase expenses when the issue has worsened in a few years.

4. Vandalism

A sad but very common cause of stonework problems can be vandalism, as graffiti or intentional damage to walls, statues and natural stone can leave it looking tired and an eyesore. Addressing these issues yourself can be a challenge, as each type of natural stone is best suited to different remedies. However a professional will be able to prescribe the right treatment to renovate your stonework, leaving it looking as good as new.

Maintaining the condition of exterior walls, patios and cladding is crucial for the kerb appeal and value of any property. It can also ensure that problems are addressed quickly, by someone with the necessary skills and expertise do the job properly. So please don't bury your hand in the sand, don’t ignore any of these signs if they do arise – call an expert to get peace of mind and the appropriate solution.

Article written by Kelly Gilmour-Grassam, a Yorkshire lass who enjoys the great outdoors. She is a freelance copywriter who you can follow on Twitter @KellyGGrassam. This article was written with useful information from Henley Stone.

  39539 Aufrufe

Getting The Most From A Home Appraisal

Woman keeps baner

One of the most important parts of the refinancing process is the home appraisal. This is because the appraisal will set the stage as far as how much you will end up paying on your refinance. The appraisal is the official estimate of what your home is worth, so the object of the game is to get as high of a number as possible.


Getting as good an appraisal as possible begins with research, as this will help you to make an informed decision about the appraiser you choose. And this can be made much easier by doing some of your own research into what homes in your area have recently sold for. Ensure the homes you are comparing are similar to your own.

Once you've noted some homes, you can create a file. The file should include categories like the amenities each home is close to, the square footage of each home, the year each home was built, and the sale price of the home.

You will also likely come across homes in your area that were similar to your own, but ended up selling for less that you expect your home to sell for. However, this may have been due to unique circumstances, such as the owners being forced into foreclosure.

The benefits of doing your own research include providing an out-of-town appraiser with an accurate look at your local housing market.

Getting Clean

The next step is to take a good look around your home for anything that may need to be repaired. This could include items like stairs, windows or anything that could present a hazard. Chances are that your appraiser will notice these things as they do their walk through. And not attending to them before your appraisal can cost you big points on the final estimate of your home's value.

Along with ensuring any repairs that need to be made are completed is making sure your home is ready for an appraisal. This means making your home as presentable as possible. Although you may not need to put in as much effort as you might for an open house viewing, doing the dishes, putting any laundry away and ensuring the garbage has been taken out can all contribute to a positive impression.

Lay Of the Land

Did you know that you can increase your home's value by up to 15%, just by hiring a professional to update your landscaping? According to the American Society of Landscape Architects, that is a fact. Attractive landscaping adds curb appeal , which appraisers consider when figuring out how much your home is worth. Other affordable ways to improve the appearance of your home from the outside don't involve professional intervention. Even a new mailbox, or the addition of window boxes and porch planters can pretty up your property.

Being There

Experts recommend that when getting an appraisal done, the homeowner should always be present. There is no law which states that you can't be there when the appraisal is being conducted. As well, you can definitely inform the appraiser of any features in or around your home which may be unique, but which the appraiser may not see right away, such as special storage or larger-than-usual closet space.

However, experts warn against saying too much to an appraiser. Going for too much control may appear as though you're trying to do their job for them. And so if you offer your appraiser your file of researched area homes and are refused, try not to take it personally.

Aging Gracefully

Another aspect of your appraiser's job is to determine how well your home is aging. If you have taken good care of your home and made updates, your home value may be end up being higher than similar properties in your area. An example of a home that is not aging well could be one that was built only a decade ago, but is already showing signs of wear and tear via drywall cracks or a sinking foundation. Older homes are not immune, and can show their stress with features and details that are out of date, and therefore not major selling points.

Guest author Tony Donovan writes on mortgage-related topics. He recommends The Refi Guide, a site dedicated to helping consumers navigate the refinancing process.

  42415 Aufrufe

What Does A Stone Mason Do?

Woman keeps baner

Stone masonry is a historic profession, and one that for many evokes images of medieval men chiselling away at rocks to form little bricks hundreds of years ago. With the evolution of modern manufacturing methods and availability of products such as concrete and brick, you might imagine that stone masons are few and far between in the industry nowadays. However this traditional craft is actually as important as ever for building and construction, and has a range of roles from stone fitting to graffiti removal and stone cleaning.

Stone Masons for New Build

Just because many houses are built from bricks these days, doesn’t mean that stone masons are any less popular for the construction of homes. A bespoke option that offers superior quality to any property development, stone masons use a combination of modern and traditional building methods to create impressive residential and commercial properties. This could be using natural stone, or newer materials and methods such as glass reinforced concrete, which can be manufactured to mimic any stone and shaped with a seamless finish.

For a more affordable alternative to using natural stone for the entire property, stone cladding is becoming an increasingly well-known way to increase the kerb appeal of a home or building. Stonemasons can fit quality natural stone cladding to a property, creating a façade that boasts timeless appeal. As a result, cladding can significantly increase the value of a building, without costing the earth.

Restoration and Renovation

Stone masons also have an important role in maintaining period properties and stately homes that are in need of improvement, whether this be minor repairs or drastic renovation. By choosing an experienced stonemason, renovations, extensions and restoration can be done with seamless results that will be in-keeping with the original period of the property. From porticos to panelling and cornices, a specialist stonemason can really improve the value of these buildings and give them a new lease of life, whether your property is an old farmhouse or a Georgian townhouse.

Stone Cleaning and Graffiti Removal

Some stonework has been exposed to the elements for hundreds of years, and over time this can leave it stained, dull and lifeless. Stone cleaning is a professional service that removes dirt and restores natural stone to its original appearance, making a huge difference to the aesthetic value of a property. However vandalism also poses a problem to many homeowners and business owners, especially in urban areas. That’s why many stone masons also offer graffiti removal services, to remove street art and restore stonework to its former appearance.

From new builds to period properties, and a huge variety of commercial needs, stone masonry offers a professional range of services that makes it a relevant and reliable choice for property developments, home improvements, and restoration. Preserving the timeless quality of stonework for the modern age, stonemasons offer a premium finish for any building project that makes their craft a valuable one.

Now did you know all that?

Article written by Kelly Gimour-Grassam, a freelance copywriter from Yorkshire who loves the great outdoors and eating out. This article is written with useful information from Henley Stone. You can follow Kelly on Twitter @KellyGGrassam.

  42919 Aufrufe

Custom Chandeliers - How To Have The Right Chandeliers Made For Your Home

Custom Chandeliers

Chandeliers used to be found only in the living rooms of spacious mansions and grand hotel lobbies and function rooms. Nowadays, though, they can be installed in any home, even yours. Indeed, you can choose from many different types and styles of chandeliers and if you cannot find what you're looking for or don't want to go through the process of having to browse through various catalogues, you can always have a custom chandelier made, especially if you have an innovative modern chandelier in mind.

Indeed, custom chandeliers are offered by many lighting companies. If you opt for these, though, you will be asked a lot of questions to ensure that the finished product meets your exact specifications, so you should have a clear idea of what you need.

For one, you should know the right chandelier size that you require. Keep in mind that the bottom of the chandelier should be at least seven inches from the floor so you have to measure the height of the room from the floor to the ceiling. As for the diameter, you can simply give the area of the room to the company so they can calculate it for you. Remember that a chandelier easily draws attention so if it is too large or too small, it is a mistake people will easily notice, making the entire room less attractive.

Contemporary Chandelier Light

Once the size has been decided, it is time to describe the style of the custom chandelier that you want, which is the more difficult part. First, you have to find out if you want a traditional chandelier, a transitional one or a modern chandelier. A traditional chandelier is usually one with tiers and has a frame usually made of either antique brass or polished brass with the bulbs attached to the frame. With modern chandeliers, however, the design is more varied and minimalist. Aside from these three design types, you can also choose from other more specific chandelier designs, such as Art Deco, Rustic, Asian, Renaissance or even Tropical. There are also dozens of finishes available.

In order to choose the right style, you have to consider the style of the rest of the room, so that the chandelier will complement it rather than go against it. If you can't pinpoint the style of the room, you can just choose one element of it that stands out and use that as the basis for creating the design of your custom chandelier. If you are good at drawing, you can sketch the design of the chandelier you want and then show this to the lighting company to serve as a guide.

In some cases, you can also specify what bulbs you want the custom chandeliers to use so you should take advantage of this option. The bulbs can be exposed or enclosed in spheres or shades and they can be fluorescent, incandescent, halogen, xenon and even LED. They can also be colored or have dimming capacities to create a dramatic effect.

By keeping all these in mind, you can truly have a chandelier that is custom made to meet your needs. It will be one of a kind, as well, so when people ask you where you got it, which they surely will, you can just smile and say that there is no other like it.

Sarah Brighley is a full-time mom and an avid blogger of home improvement ideas. She loves to share the best tips in interior design and furniture.

  47251 Aufrufe